Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Recent ISIS Accomplishment Might Pose a Problem for the U.S. Military [Video]

As the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group rages on across the Middle East, reports are surfacing of their advancements in both weaponry and tactics.

The latest report to come out of Syria from al Arabiya is that the terrorist organization was able to take down a Syrian fighter jet that was conducting air strikes on Tuesday.

According to the Human Rights Observatory, the plane was downed in the IS stronghold of Raqqa, crashing into a residential home in the area.

“It is the first aircraft shot down since the regime launched air strikes against the jihadists in July following their declaration of a caliphate in late June,” the monitor said.

The news comes on the heels of Obama announcing he would authorize American aircraft to carry out strikes against the group within Syria as a part of a larger strategy to weaken their hold in the region. While it wasn’t the first plane to be downed by opposition forces, it shows their capability to take down enemy aircraft.

Recent ISIS Accomplishment Might Pose a Problem for the U.S. Military [Video]
Syrian aircraft firing a missile at an Islamic State position
Video of the aftermath shows Islamic State militants loading the scraps from the plane into the back of one of their trucks. The jihadists also posted photos of the wreckage to Twitter, confirming they had taken down a jet.
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“Allahu Akbar (God is greater), thanks to God we can confirm that a military aircraft has been shot down over Raqa,” another account said, congratulating the “lions of the Islamic State.”

President Obama has said that the U.S. will only conduct air strikes and coordinate with rebel forces in Syria to combat the barbaric group. However, should they be able to take down a U.S. military aircraft, it could likely leave Obama with little choice but to escalate his efforts against IS.

Check out the footage that IS released online below, then let us know what you think about this:

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