Thursday, September 18, 2014

What American Tourists Did for 16 Israeli Soldiers Will Leave You Grinning

A group of American tourists on vacation in Israel decided to go out of their way to show several Israeli soldiers just how much we appreciate their efforts fighting against Hamas.

Daniel Stern posted an image to the Jerusalem Post’s Facebook page recounting how the Americans picked up the tab for the group of 16 soldiers, then left them a heartwarming note echoing how many Americans feel.

“My brother, a soldier in the navy, went out with 15 of his friends who serve with him in his unit to eat,” Stern wrote. “They weren’t in uniform but they had their guns with them. When they finished eating they discovered that their bill had already been paid by American tourists who also left them this lovely note”

The note from the Americans reads:

Dear Brothers,

Thank you. Thank you for your courage, for your service, for your sacrifice. May Hashem bless you and protect you — may all your enemies stumble and miss their mark. Jews all around the world admire you, and are grateful for you.

Be safe,
Your brothers & sisters in America

According to TheBlaze, “Hashem” is a traditional way in which Jews refer to God.

The check appears to be dated for Tuesday, Sept. 16 and the total amount was 1,269 shekels, which is Israeli currency, or a bit under $349 in U.S. dollars.

Hat’s off to these fine examples of Americans, who spoke for many in their short but touching note. It’s refreshing to hear such a story when, generally speaking, we hear stories of Americans being rude or getting into trouble while overseas.

Make sure you share this with your friends so they can see the kind gesture by these great Americans.

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