Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Miami's Lincoln Marti Deprives Children of Long Standing Halloween Tradition

Lincoln Marti a Miami based private school is now doing away with one of our American traditions and beliefs.... Lincoln Marti a Cuban founded and privately owned school is now yielding to the practices of New Jersey's Chris Christie and our president Barack Obama. 

Kids can no longer bring their costumes to school on Halloween Day. Where is this going to stop. For more than 60 years and as far back as I can remember myself and my kids among thousands of others have always celebrated Halloween at school and in the cities of these United States, this gave children an opportunity to show off their costumes. As the owner of Lincoln Marti I believe that Demetrio Alberto PĂ©rez Jr. a Cuban - American educator, politician and radio commentator has somehow forgotten his roots. To deprive children in his schools of this long standing tradition is a disgrace. The following letter was sent home by a teacher employed at Lincoln Marti. We are now catering to the beliefs of everyone who doesn't believe in our way of life and forgetting our own. 

Good Going Mr Perez, I'm sure many families who have been enjoying this American tradition will be proud of you !

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Smokejumping was developed in the late 1930's as a means to quickly reach fires in remote road-less areas for initial attack.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

BREAKING: Marine Jailed in Mexico Gets Happy News!

BREAKING: Marine Jailed in Mexico Gets Happy News! His Family Will be Thrilled After Learning This.

Huge news out of Washington, D.C.! Lawmakers from the House Foreign Affairs Committee made an announcement about Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the Marine who has been wrongly held in a filthy Mexican prison for 7 months and is already suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Apparently, he will be released!

As first reported by The Blaze, Andrew – thanks to the hard work of Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) and the conversations he had with Mexican government officials – will receive “humanitarian release” soon.

As Royce announced:

Last week I had a good and productive conversation with the Mexican Attorney General and am confident that a humanitarian release of Andrew will occur very soon so he can start getting better.

In addition, conservative champion Rep. Matt Salmon, (R-AZ) said that the Attorney General of Mexico told lawmakers that if they’re able to submit proof that Tahmooressi has PTSD, then they would release him from prison. He added that they had just sent Tahmooressi’s medical file and expert testimony to Mexican authorities, and now we wait for his release due to his serious medical conditions.

His detention has also led to some frustrations with the Obama administration, which many say has not done enough to press Mexico on Tahmooressi’s release.

“I am mystified that President Obama couldn’t find time, between negotiating with terrorists, to call our ally, the Mexican president, to appeal to him on behalf of our Marine,” Salmon said at 

“The fact is that Mexican citizens violate U.S. law on a regular and continuing basis, illegally crossing our southern border,” Salmon added. “Mexican officials respond by asking the U.S. for compassion and amnesty for their citizens to remain in the U.S. But frankly, compassion goes both ways.”

Here is a picture of Rep. Royce visiting Andrew earlier this Summer:

President Obama could have released our Marine months ago with a simple phone call, but has refused to do so. Thanks to these conservatives in the House, Andrew will finally return to his family.

Monday, October 6, 2014

"An American with A Remington"

"An American with A Remington"

‘You are just a vote’ ad by former Dem calls for African Americans to wake up You are not Mary's cause and you are certainly not her charity. You are just a vote - nothing less, nothing more. You are just a means to an end, so that she remains in power.

Republicans often try to use historical facts to persuade people to join the party. Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory uses these facts in a powerful video to explain why he recently switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party.

Guillory discusses the history of the Republican Party, founded as an Abolitionist Movement in 1854, and how the welfare state is only a mechanism for politicians to control the black community.

By making the switch, Guillory becomes the first black Republican senator in Louisiana since Reconstruction.  He has a conservative voting record and has “long been an ally of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration, particularly on education and retirement issues,” according to the Times Picayune.

“I pledged my dues, and I look forward to creating new partnerships in the State of Louisiana. I am of this day joining Frederick Douglass as a Republican,” Guillory said.

Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"

Watch the compelling video here:

‘American Sniper’ heart-pounding trailer ‘will haunt you’: THAT’S how you tease a movie, WOW

“American Sniper” promises to be a blockbuster film right out of the gate. The film, based on the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle’s bestselling autobiography and directed by Clint Eastwood, is scheduled for release in January, but anticipation has soared after the release of the first heart-pounding trailer. Actor Bradley Cooper, who plays the well-known American sniper in the film, acquired rights to the story long before the tragic death of Kyle in 2013, according to Entertainment Weekly. 

His story first of all really needs to be told, and it’s also relevant on two fronts: gun control and the need to address the many soldiers who are coming back with PTSD,” Cooper said. “Medicine has evolved to such a state — soldiers are coming back and they’re going to assimilate into the culture and if we don’t address the mental state along with the physical state it’s going to be a problem.”

[WATCH] Semi Driver Maneuvers Through High Wind Like A Boss, Crazy!!

A motorist traveling behind a rig captured this heart-stopping video on a Kansas highway. I watched it with my own eyes and still can’t believe the truck didn’t flip. Truly amazing!

A motorist traveling behind a rig captured this heart-stopping video on a Kansas highway. I watched it with my own eyes and still can’t believe the truck didn’t flip. Truly amazing!

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Local driving instructor, Jeff Steinberg said, “That driver deserves a medal. That was a great driving maneuver there.” Steinberg added, “He did the only thing you could do, which was a perfect reaction to turn in the wind, There’s no way to actually teach that.”

Steinberg explained that semis, especially when empty can tip

Crisis of Confidence

“What we’re talking about here is the issue of whether Americans live or die. […] The likelihood, given the open sense we have of letting people in – this isn’t the only [Ebola] case we’re going to see. That ought to scare the daylights out of everyone from the president right down to the last kitchen table in America.”

Judge Jeanine rips Obama’s bumbling response to Ebola crisis: ‘Tell us the truth for once!’

Bill Maher and Ben Affleck Battle Over Radical Islam - " They Will F*cking Kill You! "

October 3, 2014 - Ben Affleck, Bill Maher, Nicholas Kristol, Michael Steele, and author Sam Harris got into what could only be described as a tumultuous continuation of Maher’s comments on Islam from last week, with Maher and Affleck tearing into each other over the influence of fundamentalists in the Muslim