Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jordan's King Abdullah on President Obama

Published on Dec 5, 2014
In an exclusive interview, Jordan's King Abdullah II talks about his relationship with President Obama. "I'm always impressed with how he looks at things," says King Abdullah, noting that the U.S.-Jordanian relationship "could not be better."

Obama could learn from Jordan's King Abdullah


Is he man, myth, or legend? We don’t know, but what we do know is that Jordan’s King Abdullah is a former commander of Jordan’s Special Forces, an airborne jump master, and a certified Cobra attack helicopter pilot.

King Abdullah even served in the British Army’s 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary’s Own) as a reconnaissance troop leader after attending the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in the UK.

Although King Abdullah is an incredible soldier, he is also a strong leader placing the well-being of his people first. He has created campaigns for increased housing and living standards, with access to health and education facilities. He has banned the detention of journalists in his country and has had open dialogue with the Pope, discussing the need for coexistence between faiths. 

King Abdullah even tried the diplomacy route with ISIS, offering a deal to trade prisoners for their captured fighter pilot Lt. Moaz Kasasbeh. That’s when the ISIS rats made their next big mistake and burned him alive. 

Jordan immediately responded to the savage execution by executing two Iraqi militants that ISIS wanted released. It is expected that Jordan will execute four more prisoners in the coming days. 

King Abdullah also declared a “relentless war” against the Islamic State and immediately began carrying out airstrikes against ISIS targets. The Jordanians vowed to immensely increase their involvement in the US-led coalition, and it won’t be limited to just airstrikes.

Jordan has a superior Special Forces program capable of conducting all manner of ops across the region, and their operatives are undoubtedly licking their lips in anticipation for the “earth-shattering” justice they are about to exact. 

ISIS may have gone all-in, but the house always wins.

Kurdish Special Forces Wipe Out ISIS

Veteran Community

Here are the guys that have been taken under the wing of our “advisors.” From the looks of things, I’d say they were advised to dickpunch every dirtbag in the area.

Exclusive full clip from where the "ISIS terrorist gets hit and goes airborne" video is from. Footage courtesy of the Kurdish 'Counter-Terrorist Forces'/Hezi Dja Teror. Taking back towns in the Kirkuk area from ISIS. (Faces are blurred and further information withheld is for security purposes).