Friday, August 15, 2014

Pro-Gun Sheriff Has a Message for Michael Bloomberg After the Billionaire Spent Six Figures Trying to Defeat Him

Despite former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg spending six figures to defeat him in a recent Democratic primary, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. soared to victory as a pro-gun incumbent candidate. Now, he has a message for Bloomberg.
Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Thursday, Clarke said Bloomberg’s plan to “spread a few hundred thousand dollars” in his “anti-gun crusade” to beat him failed miserably. Bloomberg’s super PAC, Independence USA, spent about $150,000 to air ads attacking Clarke’s pro-Second Amendment views.
“Mayor Bloomberg made a huge miscalculation. He didn’t understand the political climate on the ground here in Milwaukee County. I have a lot of support for my position on support for the Second Amendment, for people to be able to defend themselves and the pro-gun movement.”
Clarke became a national figure after he advised citizens to arm themselves for self-protection. He also spoke at the 2014 NRA convention.

Watch the video on our Facebook here !

The Latest on Ferguson: Michael Brown Allegedly Robbed Convenience Store Before Shooting

Friday, Aug. 15, 10:17 a.m.: 

Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson announced that six-year police veteran Darren Wilson is the officer who killed Michael Brown. According to Jackson, Wilson encountered Brown at 12:01 p.m. on Saturday and, by the time another officer arrived on the scene at 12:04 p.m., Brown had been shot. Jackson said that Wilson did not have a previous disciplinary record.
A report handed out to reporters by Ferguson police alleges that Brown stole cigars from a convenience store and assaulted the store's cashier shortly before the shooting.*
"Brown towers over (redacted name) appearing to intimidate him."

FBI Exposed Goal Of "Civilization Jihad" - Islamic Extremism On The Rise - Allen West

Allen West, who has routinely called for President Obama’s impeachment and confronted the Democrat Party’s history of racism, is once again correct in his assessment. The Muslim Brotherhood has ulterior motives and interests that are not in line with american ideals and principles.

We certainly do not wish to limit the free speech or political activity of anyone, no matter their race, religion or ethnicity. We do however seek to protect our institution of representative democracy from being infiltrated and changed from within by people who consider us the enemy. If the Muslim Brotherhood wishes to become involved in the political process in America, they must take some significant and drastic measures to effectively distance and remove themselves from any and all terrorist activity. And that is unlikely to happen.

65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama

To say that President Obama has been an ambitious Liar-in-Chief in his role as occupant of the Oval Office is phenomenal and certainly unparalleled in American history. When one considers President Clinton and his lies about sex with Monica Lewinski and Richard Nixon’s “I am not a crook,”statement, they were mere amateurs compared to Obama. According to The Washington Beacon you have an opportunity to get a quick glance at the top 65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama of promises which he broke and see if you can guess which one is considered Numero Uno!
Now of course no list of huge Obama whoppers would be complete if Obamacare was not on it or the truth and honesty in government promise. But there are so many, many others which launched the “Hope and Change” president that you may have even forgotten them. But rest assured your pocketbook or safety and security of your family has suffered somehow from each and every one of them.
Share the video with your friends and don’t dare turn it into a drinking game or you or maybe your friend will be under the table by the time the video of his mile high whoppers has ended. Here’s a clue about Obama, which you probably have already figured out. If his lips are moving he is probably lying, and that is the truth.

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Former congressman, Lt. Col. Allen West proclaimed on Wednesday that there is only one true explanation that Obama is “purposely enabling the Islamist cause.” 

West, a favorite among many in the pro-freedom, pro-Constitution Tea Party movement, listed six instances where the Obama regime has been “working counter to the security of the United States of America”:

1. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.

2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed.

3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries.

4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group.

5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran’s ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability.

6. Obama’s evident support of Islamists in Libya.

Along with the above, West cited the recent report that Obama has lifted longtime restrictions against Libyans attending flight schools and receiving nuclear science training in the U.S, only two years after the terrorism that took place in Benghazi, Libya. 

There is only one logical reason for the Democrat president to make these anti-American decisions, West concluded Wednesday on his website, that there is no other reason why Obama would prop-up America’s enemies:

Sorry, but I can only explain this one way: Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist in his foreign policy perspectives and supports their cause. You can go back and listen to his 2009 speech in Cairo, where Muslim Brotherhood associates were seated front and center. 

All the circumstantial and anecdotal evidence points to that conclusion. The pivot away from the Middle East seems to be nothing more than an opportunity to enable Islamists and their goals. Anyone supporting this Libyan ban being lifted is indeed an enemy of this state.
In June, the former congressman from Florida called for Obama’s impeachment, following Obama’s negotiation with terrorists, releasing military deserter Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for the U.S. release of five notorious Muslim terrorists from GITMO. 

Barack Obama’s longtime pastor for over two decades, Jeremiah Wright, told author Ed Klein two years ago that “Barack Obama was steeped in Islam” and that he “knew very little about Christianity.” 
“When I asked the Reverend Wright about this whole question of Islam and Christianity. He said, well, you know, Barack Obama was steeped in Islam. He knew a lot about Islam from his childhood. But he knew very little about Christianity. And I made it easy for him to feel not guilty about learning about Christianity without turning his back on his Islamic friends.”

Please like and share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that Obama puts Islamist interests above the security interests of the United States. 

Allen West: Barack Obama is a “Dangerous Threat” to the Existence of America

There are many people who believe that Obamacare was designed to fail from the start.  They believe that the law is only a vehicle to be used to bring about a socialist, single-payer healthcare system, run by the government.
Retired Lt. Col. and former Congressman Allen West is one of those people, and he says that Obamacare was designed to destroy our Republic.
West points to the many lies President Obama told to the American people to sell the law, and says that Obama has ‘defrauded’ the American people.  Furthermore, he says that since Obama is a liar and a disgrace, he should resign.
Allen West has also said that Obama presents a “dangerous threat” to our Constitutional Republic, and expounded upon that in an interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren.
“When you have a President standing there saying that healthcare, health insurance, is a right, when you go back and read the Declaration of Independence…Thomas Jefferson said that the unalienable rights that we have of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as individuals, come from the Creator, and that goes back to Natural Law theory.”
“He said that specifically that they don’t come from man, and man makes up government.  Now all of a sudden the government believes that they can grant you your rights, and they can take those rights away.  Which is why Jefferson said that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it all away.”
“The last time we had a President talk about the American people as individuals having a right to a certain thing, it was back around 1978 when Jimmy Carter said that every American had a right to own a home, and that was the Community Reinvestment Act.  Fast forward thirty years later to 2008, we had this incredible financial meltdown based upon the mortgage industry, and government getting involved in that industry.”
Obama is a threat to America “as a Constitutional Republic, because you have to look at the rule of law, you have to look at our founding documents, and when you have a President saying that a certain thing is a right that government is supposed to give to you, that goes against the founding premise of this country.”
“The President should not be able to delay certain parts of a law, he should not be able to push away certain mandates…because once a piece of legislation is passed through the House and the Senate and signed into law by the President, you don’t get to cherry-pick it, and that is the threat to our Constitutional Republic, when a President is starting to cherry-pick laws.”
West goes on to discuss how various aspects of the law have been delayed or changed, and how some courts have been “legislating from the bench”.  He also decries the provision allowing so-called “Obamacare navigators” that are supposed to help individuals sign up for Obamacare, people who are generally tied to left-leaning community activism organizations, who will have full access to individual’s health and financial information, without having to go through a criminal background check.
Allen West is absolutely right, President Obama does present a threat to America as a Constitutional Republic.  His healthcare law is not even really about providing healthcare, like it was sold, but about gaining control over a sizable portion of our economy and people’s lives.
Obamacare is the groundfloor of a socialist-style, single-payer health care system, one in which the government pays for, and thus controls, every aspect of healthcare.  They will determine how much things will cost, and eventually will make decisions regarding cost-effectiveness of certain drugs and procedures, and their use on sick people.
The so-called “death panels” are real, and they will ultimately decide if your grandmother or father is worth the cost of the hip replacement surgery, or expensive heart medication, compared to their perceived worth and contribution to society as a whole.
Health insurance is not a right.  It is a privilege, designed to be an option for some people to utilize as a way to mitigate healthcare costs.  There are ways to bring down the costs of healthcare, and there is even a legitimate argument to be made about providing assistance with healthcare costs for the truly less fortunate among us that can’t afford it.  But those things can be done without the government having to take control over the entire healthcare and health insurance industry.

Allen West - Sentencing Sparks Outrage Over Killer Of Marines Tried As A Juvenile

After his brutal attack on four U.S. Marines in 2012, the victims’ families have looked to the Afghani justice system to punish Ainuddin Khudairaham. Instead, the man who killed three and seriously injured a fourth has been tried as a juvenile and sentenced to a paltry seven and a half year prison term. Nearly two years ago, Khudairaham, who served as an aide to local law enforcement, brought a rifle with him to the gym at a Helmand Province forward operating base and opened fire. He killed Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr., Cpl. Richard Rivera Jr., and Staff Sgt. Soctt Dickinson during the violent encounter Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Allen West weighed in on the light sentence during a recent Fox News interview, explaining that it will have far-reaching effects throughout the U.S. military. “This is absolutely unconscionable,” he said, noting tests indicate that Khudairaham was potentially 18 years old when he committed the crime. The shooter “should not have been tried as a juvenile,” West noted; “and as a matter of fact, the family of Lance Cpl. Buckley was told that he was not going to be tried as a juvenile.” He called the sentencing “heinous,” suggesting that such a vicious criminal should be put to death.
“He should have been tried as an adult and he should have gotten the death penalty for doing what he did in cold blood,” West contended.
This injustice, he asserted, is symptomatic of widespread problems affecting America’s men and women in uniform. “It’s very damaging,” he said, “because it’s not just this incident. But when you think about the fact that we’re handing out pink slips to our combat leaders who are still there in Afghanistan but we cannot hand out pink slips to any of the managers and officials that are in charge in the Veterans Administration and have the blood of our veterans on our hands.” His outrage extends to the perceived inaction regarding the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups and the ongoing border crisis
“We are allowing all of these individuals to include MS-13 [gang] members to come across our border but we can’t bring our own Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi across that border back home,” he lamented.
“This is a powder keg that is building up in the military community,” he noted, explaining that, if the Obama administration rewards accused Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl with back pay after his time in the custody of Afghanistan terrorists, the brewing tension might come to a boil. “If we don’t do the right thing and charge Bowe Bergdahl as a deserter, which I think the administration is trying to sneak past us and classify him as a POW, [and] he gets $350,000 in taxpayer money, I think that might be the fuse,” he concluded.

Mark Levin - "I'd send 129 bombers and fighters and put these cockroaches where they want to be..."

MARK LEVIN: Our enemies, the terrorists, have never had it so good under this truly pathetic commander-in-chief who should be in Washington, D.C., right now calling Congress into session, getting authorization to use deadly military power against these cockroaches. He should be calling the world leaders, those who are with us, ignore those who aren't. Putting together a military and other types strategies to deal with this. And rather than announcing repeatedly what they're not going to do, they should be announcing what they are going to do to the extent that that would be helpful.

You had the Secretary of Defense that said the United States has never faced a threat like this. You have the Secretary of State saying this is a direct threat to the United States. And then you have them saying out of the other side of their mouths we have to wait and see if this government can pull itself together. This is a direct threat to the United States. It's a direct threat to humanity. this is genocide, pure and simple. People see it. People know it. there's enough refugees to deal with it. And rather than sending 129 advisers, I'd send 129 bombers and fighters and put these cockroaches where they want to be. They want to be in the stone age, then we should accommodate them.

What's going on in Venezuela - Demand Human Rights for Venezuela and it's people !!!!!

Don't stand by and just watch...Raise your voices for the people of Venezuela. Call your local government representatives and ask for their help. We have helped many other countries in need and we have to help the people of Venezuela keep their democratic way of life....This video has been viewed on Youtube 3,055,034 lets make sure that millions more are aware of the atrocities taking place, share with anyone and everyone you know, please do it now !

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