Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The 9 Biggest Lies Obama Told Last Night

1. Obama claims that “corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But… [u]pward mobility has stalled.” This has been refuted most recently by Harvard Economics Professor Raj Chetty who recently released a paper showing that upward mobility in America hasn’t changed since the 1970’s.  This means that in the past 40+ years the chances of moving out of poverty in America have remained unchanged. 

2. The President continued beating his ‘war on women’ drum last night, using his often cited statistic about women making only $.77 for every dollar a man makes in America.  The problem is this statistic is completely bogus.  It isn’t just conservatives who are saying this, even the staunch liberals at Slate say the President’s figures simply don’t add up.  After all, it’s just arithmetic.

3. While the President made a big show out of the minimum wage he failed to tell the American people that the minimum wage actually only affects less than 1% of the work force.  That’s right, less than 1% of the American workforce earns the federal minimum wage, the rest work at a level above the minimum.  While Obama might want to force this issue for political gain, he is lying when he says that this is a huge problem for the American public.

4. Obama claimed “more than 9 million Americans have signed up” for coverage under ObamaCare during his speech last night, a number that has been widely challenged in the aftermath of the speech. Observers have pointed out that almost 5 million Americans have lost coverage because of the mandates in ObamaCare. Others have questioned the number of Medicaid beneficiaries who are newly eligible due to the program’s expansion under the law. Obama’s 9 million figure includes a claim that 3.9 million learned they are eligible for Medicaid, but he admits some of those counted are actually renewals.

5. President Obama claimed to have added 8 million jobs to the U.S. economy last night to loud applause.  The problem is, that claim only rings true if you ignore all of the jobs the economy has lost under Obama’s watch.  The true number is well less than half of his claim.  The President will continue to ignore this truth, however, because it goes to show that the economic recovery under his tenure has been the slowest since World War Two.

6. While Obama took credit for the rising domestic energy production he is lying by omission when he fails to tell the American people this energy boom has occurred in spite of his policies, not because of them.  Much of the increase in domestic energy production has happened on private land, and despite the growing number of regulations that the Obama administration has heaped on the industry.

7.  The Affordable Care Act, ObamaCare to most, is on its face a lie.  While the President painted a rosy picture of his namesake last night, he glossed over the fact that it is not affordable after all.  While monthly bills for health insurance have gone down for some (and risen for others), that is only one side of the equation.  What Obama isn’t telling the public is that deductibles are going up under ObamaCare, sometimes doubling or even tripling.
8. While carbon emissions are not at the top of ForAmerica’s policy priorities, holding President Obama accountable for his claims is what we are all about. Last night, the President claimed the U.S. “reduced our total carbon pollution more than any other nation on Earth.” The facts show many nations reduced their emissions by a greater percentage than the U.S. has in recent years.

9. On Iran, President Obama told the American people a flat out lie last night.  The President said that Iran is now eliminating its stockpile of highly enriched uranium.  While evidence exists that the Iranians, under the recent international agreement, have begun oxidizing their highly enriched uranium, a process that makes the uranium unusable. Obama failed to say this process is completely reversible, and thus, Iran has not eliminated their stockpiles at all.

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Just hours after he stormed out of President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) announced he’s considering filing articles of impeachment against the president.

First He Walks Out of the Presidents Major Speech    Now Hes Thinking About Filing Articles of Impeachment
Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), right, participates in a mock swearing-in ceremony with Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) (AP)
“I’m considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama,” Stockman announced on a website backing his senate run.

“You see, I walked out of Obama’s State of the Union address last night,” Stockman’s announcement added. “Obama defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it.”

The Texas congressman explained that he left the president’s speech early because he was upset after “hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers.”

“I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly-defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers,” Stockman said in a statement released shortly after the president finished his address. “Needless to say, I am deeply disappointed in the tone and content of tonight’s address.”

Stockman accused the president of promising to “break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree.”

“This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense,” he said, adding that the president has steadfastly refused to admit “his policies have failed.”

He continued, accusing the president of advocating a “blueprint for perpetual poverty.”

Not long after releasing the anti-SOTU statement, Stockman raised the issue of impeachment.

“Obama defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it. His goal is to eliminate our constitutional republic,” he said Wednesday. “Last year I said I would consider impeachment as a last resort to stop Obama’s abuse of power. And, quite frankly, we’re running out of options.”

Stockman’s impeachment threat comes shortly after his return from an unexplained absence that kept him from voting in the House and campaigning against Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas).

He claimed Monday that he wasn’t “missing in action,” but that he was busy partaking in a House-sanctioned international trip.

However, the House Foreign Affairs Committee said that Stockman’s overseas trip began Jan. 17 and ended on Monday. He didn’t cast a single vote between Jan. 9 and Jan. 28. Further, every other lawmaker on the international trip managed to participate in House votes prior to leaving the United States.

The Texas congressman missed a total of 17 straight votes, including a vote to approve a $1 trillion omnibus spending bill.