Sunday, November 22, 2015

Counterterrorism Expert: 'Don't Wait for Uncle Sam to Protect You'

On "The Kelly File" tonight, FBI counterterrorism expert Dr. Sebastian Gorka urged Americans to be on heightened alert at all times in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

"Don't wait for Uncle Sam to protect you. Every American has a duty and responsibility to be aware of the threat and be prepared to protect themselves," Gorka said.

He suggested that if you live in a state or municipality that allows you to carry a weapon, you should get training and do so.

Gorka said that he believes there are already active sleeper cells in the U.S.

He pointed out that FBI director James Comey has said that there are up to 900 ISIS-related investigations, in all 50 states.

Gorka added that the successful Paris attacks will be an encouragement for radical Islamists in the U.S.

"The jihad is real, the jihad is global and they want to bring it to the shores of America."

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